La Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación confía
Durante el 3er Congreso Internacional para la Acreditación en el Sector Salud del 13 al 22 de Agosto 2019 en el Hotel Marquís Reforma y en el World Trade Center CDMX se llevaron a cabo diversos eventos paralelos para certificaciones de esta entidad.
Las Federaciones de Futbol, Voleibol y Esquí
Las Federaciones de Futbol, Voleibol y Esquí nacionales e internacionales confían en Gilsama Solutions Para dar voz en varios idiomas durante sus eventos con equipo para interpretación simultánea Taiden, Sennheiser y Williams Sound así como con micrófonos parlamentarios modelo ADN de la marca Sennheiser para sus delegados con la posibilidad…
La importancia de una instalación y atención
La importancia de una instalación y atención impecables Ya sea en un auditorio, una sala corporativa, un parque o en la playa, una instalación profesional acompañada de personal especializado y atención eficiente y amable son indispensables para el éxito de su evento. En Gilsama Solutions cuidamos cada detalle para que…
First International Meeting on Gastroenterology and Hepatology
First International Meeting on Gastroenterology and Hepatology From April 25 to 27 at the Cozumel Convention Center Simultaneous translation played an important role in the faithful transmission of information for the participants at this international event. Gilsama Solutions provided Williams-Sound equipment for the interpretation along with the interpreters, specialized technicians…
WDCD What design can do –
WDCD What design can do - Mexico City, May 6 to 8, 2019 In this international platform about the impact of design, Gilsama Solutions was in charge of the simultaneous translation both, on the opening night at the Fine Arts Palace, and at the venue of the conference program in…
Multiple rooms, 120 parliamentary microphones and technical
Multiple rooms, 120 parliamentary microphones and technical specialists from Gilsama Solutions at Hilton CDMX If you need gooseneck microphones that offer crystal-clear sound, where the chairperson of the meeting gives the floor to the participants in addition to the possibility to record each microphone and the full mix, the German,…
At Gilsama Solutions we give great value
At Gilsama Solutions we give great value to recycling We are an environment- friendly company, our simultaneous translation infrared system, of the reputed German Sennheiser brand, uses multi-channel receivers with rechargeable batteries. Likewise, all our work team helps by recycling paper, office supplies and we even make “eco-bricks” with waste…
Audio distribution with three activations at the
Audio distribution with three activations at the new Convention Center in Mérida, on March 29 and 30, 2019 Do you want to clearly convey to your visitors information about your product, in a large and noisy exhibition area? Do you want to provide, in a single area, pre-recorded information about…
The interpreters are the voice of the
The interpreters are the voice of the speakers at international events For any event requiring simultaneous interpretation, it is essential to have to rely on specialized interpreters, but also to respect their guidelines (alternating periods every 30 minutes, teams of two or three interpreters, situating the booth inside the room,…